

Contact Bass-Cat about this Request

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hello there,
My name is Nick and I’ve been looking at your CARACAL model for about 3 years and I’m getting closer to purchasing. (a year or less). I was curious if you could mail or email me some information.
I’d like information on what comes standard on the boat and what options/upgrades are offered on the boat and trailer. I know this is on your website but was looking for a print out so I could jot down what upgrades I wanted on the sheet and go to my local dealer prepared.

I can’t wait to join the FAMILY,
Nicholas J Rider

I noticed the CARACAL at the MLF HEAVY HITTERS tournament.
What happens to the boats that are used for special events like this?

Feel free to ask your question we will not record any of your information you will be given a token and URL where you can check the conversation.

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